GHOSTBUSTERS was an original concept created by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis in 1984. The parapsychologists who investigate and eliminate the paranormal became a hit in the 1984 film which grossed almost $300 million worldwide and spawned 5 sequels. Here is a salute to the franchise, starting with the iconic theme from Ray Parker...

GHOSTBUSTERS success spawned some interesting imitators, like Cropdusters...


            November  26, 2024

Jokes From Shaf

Bill Murray starred in the film as Peter Venkman, and he seemed to get all the great lines from the movies...

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November 26, 2024

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December 10, 2024




But if you thought that Ray Parker Jr. was a one trick pony, only famous for the GHOSTBUSTERS theme, you are sadly mistaken, as this video tells us...

I would vote for the GHOSTBUSTERS, as you never know when those ghosts might show up, like in this video on an average day at the New York Public Library...

The Discovery Channel had their own knock off of GHOSTBUSTERS called, "Mythbusters".

The show's original hosts, special effects experts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman, used elements of the scientific method to test the validity of rumors, myths, movie scenes, adages, Internet videos, and news stories with Kari Byron around for sex appeal. Did they

compare to the GHOSTBUSTERS? Let this rap battle settle the argument...

Dan Aykroyd told Howard Stern some interesting things about coming up with the concept for GHOSTBUSTERS and his interest in the paranormal...